MORGANMASONDOWNS "Morganmasondowns" ( Roulette SR 42047 ) USA 1970
- "Heather morning"
- "Home"
- "Knowing"
- "Come with me"
- "The time is at hand"
- "Daffodil"
- "Ah, the world goes round"
- "Sea song"
- "Listen to the time"
- "Day of the fair"
- "Lullabye"
Mason e Downs ( canções e voz ), Morgan ( voz ), Dave Bromberg, Dennis Seiwell, George Gardos, Joe Zagarino e Steve Burgh ( instrumentos )
Produção de Allan Nicholls e Morganmasondowns
Capa: Marc Berke ( Fotos ) e Alan Klonsky ( design )