
Killers, Angels, Refugees ( 27 )

"Military Madness" ( Graham Nash )

"In an upstairs room in Blackpool
by the side of a northern sea
the Army had my father
and my mother hasn't having me
military madness was killing my country
solitary sadness comes over me
after the school was over and I moved
to the other side
I found a different country but I never
lost my pride
military madness was killing my country
solitary sadness creeps over me
and after the wars are over
and the body count is finally filed
I hope the Man discovers
what's driving the people wild
military madness is killing my country
so much sadness between you and me
war, war, war, war, war,war"

Escrita em 1971 e publicada no álbum "Songs for beginners", "Military Madness" mantém a actualidade. Acrescentaria aliás um pequeno detalhe: muitos dos que à época a usaram como hino pacifista, são hoje os mandantes/detonadores de muitas das guerras e conflitos contemporâneos.