"Mexico" ( Grace Slick )
Owsley and Charlie, twins of the trade,
Owsley and Charlie, twins of the trade,
Come to the Poet's Room,
Talking about the problems of a leaf
And yes, it'll be back soon
There used to be tons of gold and green
Comin' up here from Mexico
A donde esta la planta, mi amigo, del sol?
But Mexico is under the thumb
Of a man we call Richard
And he's come to call himself king
But he's a small-headed man
And he doesn't know a thing
About how to deal for
How to deal for you
There are millions of you now
I mean it's not as if you were alone
There are brothers everywere
Just waiting for a toke on that gold
And God knows how far it can go
You're famous Uncle Charlie
For your Mexican smoke
You're a legend Owsley
For your righteous doope
There were a half a million people on the law
And we sang to their faces in the dawn
How long will that young race
Wait for the jailer's time to end?
How long will the Panther race
Wait for the iron bars to bend?
And no no no no no nobody waits
"Mexico" foi publicado pela primeira vez em single. O ano era 1970 e a edição praticamente coincidiu com o fim da formação clássica dos Airplane.
A canção - uma reacção à investida da administração Nixon contra a marijuana -, 2m 07s de puro psicadelismo suportado numa estrutura construída pelo baixo monstruoso de Jack Casady ( assim de repente não me recordo de mais ninguém capaz de tocar assim ), tem no flipside "Have you seen the Saucers?", hino ecológico escrito por Paul Kantner e decorado por um soberbo wah-wah de Jorma Kaukonen.
Tudo dentro de uma picture-sleeve como deve ser, desenhada por Gut, à data um biker membro da entourage dos Blue Cheer.