"War Song" ( Neil Young )
In the morning when you wake up
You've got planes flying in the sky
Flying bombs made to
Break up other lies in your eye
There's a man who says he can
put an end to war
They shot George Wallace down
He'll never walk around
Mines are sleeping in the sea
Blow those bridges down
Burn that jungle down and kill those Vietnamese.
There's a man who says he can
put an end to war.
In the morning when you wake up
You've got planes flying in the sky
Flying bombs made to
Break up other lies in your eye.
You've got planes flying in the sky
Flying bombs made to
Break up other lies in your eye
There's a man who says he can
put an end to war
They shot George Wallace down
He'll never walk around
Mines are sleeping in the sea
Blow those bridges down
Burn that jungle down and kill those Vietnamese.
There's a man who says he can
put an end to war.
In the morning when you wake up
You've got planes flying in the sky
Flying bombs made to
Break up other lies in your eye.
( capa da edição portuguesa de "War Song" )
"War song", um tema construído em cima de um dos riffs mais "primários" de Neil Young, foi publicado em single a 5 de Junho de 1972. Tinha como objectivo apoiar a campanha de George McGovern, o homem que os democratas escolheram para tentar retirar Nixon da Casa Branca. O objectivo não foi conseguido mas a canção, uma das menos conhecidas do autor, nunca teve tempo para envelhecer.