
Lost Nuggets ( 192 )

The Sun Also Rises "S/t" ( Village Thing VTS 2 ), Lyric insert, UK, 1970

- "Until I do" ( Phil Sawyer / Graham Hemingway )
- "Wizard Shep" ( Graham Hemingway )
- "Part of the room" (Graham Hemingway )
- "Green Lane" ( Richard Silvester / Graham Hemingway )
- "Tales of Jasmine and Suicide" ( Graham Hemingway )
- "Flowers" ( Heather Holden / Graham Hemingway )
- "Song of Consolation" ( Spike Woods / Graham Hemingway )
- "Suddently it's evening" ( Graham Hemingway )
- "Death" ( Traditional )

The Sun Also Rises: Anne  Hemingway ( voz, dulcimer e percussão ) e Graham Hemingway ( canções, voz e guitarra acústica ), com John Turner ( baixo ) e Andy Leggett ( assobio )

Produção: The Sun Also Rises, Ian Anderson e Gef Lucena.

Capa: design de Andy Leggett, foto no verso de Graham Kilsby.