
Lost Nuggets ( 85 )

Formerly Fat Harry "S/t" ( Harvest SHSP 4016 ) UK 1971

- "Passing the river" ( Greenberg )
- "My friend was a pusher" ( Peterson )
- "About my life" ( Greenberg )
- "Please go away" ( Peterson )
- "I saw the ringing of the bell" ( Peterson )
- "Tell me all about it" ( Peterson )
- "Captain heart" ( Greenberg )
- "Goodbye for good" ( Greenberg )

Formerly Fat Harry : Phil Greenberg ( canções, voz e guitarras ), Gary Peterson ( canções, voz, guitarras, teclas e congas ), Bruce Barthol ( baixo ) e Laurie Allan ( bateria ).

Produção de Formerly Fat Harry

Capa: Melinda Peterson ( desenho ) e Laurie Lewis ( foto ).